2024-2025 Darrow School Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is composed of at least 9 and at most 23 voting members; new trustees are elected upon the recommendation of the Governance Committee by a two-thirds vote of current trustees present at a full Board meeting where there is a quorum. The full Board typically meets three times during its fiscal year, July 1 through June 30: fall, winter, and spring.

The Board's responsibilities are met through the actions and recommendations of the standing committees. These include the Executive, Finance, Advancement, Facilities, and Governance Committees and other Corporate Committees as the Board deems necessary. The Audit and Investment Committees are sub-committees of the Finance Committee.

Candidates for trusteeship usually come from among the alumni, former parents, former faculty, and friends of Darrow who have demonstrated their commitment to the School's goals through interest in and support of the institution and its programs.

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